Our primary FTP site is switching, perhaps permanently. Net Access, our beloved service provider, took nine days to post the last issue of Mac Net Journal (November 13, 1994). Admittedly, Net Access's services are free, but the delay was unacceptable. We will continue to post MNJ at the site ftp.netaxs.com, but we are advising our readers to download it from one of the info-mac mirror sites as they seem to be more reliable. Many people have already stated that they have trouble logging on to info-mac's main ftp/gopher site at Stanford University, but there are alternative mirror site addresses which often work very nicely. Check out the "Where to find MNJ" chapter for some of these addresses.
Mosaic Update
NCSA would like to remind all web-surfers that they have fixed a lot of the bugs in the initial Mosaic Alpha released earlier in September, 1994. The newer version, Mosaic 200A17.86K fixes many of the problems a number of us Mac users encountered when we upgraded. It is available via NCSA's anonymous ftp site ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/mac/mosaic/.
Startup Screen Contest
We are conducting a startup screen contest at MNJ. Please email us a compressed copy of your favorite startup screen. The winner will receive honorable mention in our December 24, 1994 issue next to a copy of the startup screen. Once there, your name will live in digital eternity on the Net. If you downloaded it, please include where the screen can be downloaded from.
Cartoonist Anyone?
MNJ would like to begin carrying a comic strip. Any potential cartoonists who might wish to create something for us, or even just reprint something previously created. Please feel free to contact the editors at aaron@netaxs.com.
Subscription Information
For subscription information, check out the chapter Subscribing and Requests.